Thursday, August 14, 2014

WNY MMA and Fitness: Muay thai, nothing hits harder

WNY MMA & Fitness: Muay Thai, Nothing Hits Harder!

In the post about american kickboxing, there was a comparison between muay thai and full contact kickboxing. I'm not sure if you ever been kicked or kneed by a person who does muay thai, but man does it linger. So, I'll be giving you a run down on muay thai as a preferred striking system and maybe it'll make you come visit us at WNY MMA and Fitness for a lesson or two. 

The Tools of the Trade:

Right from the get go, you will notice that there is something different about muay thai. It can't be described as being similar to the other forms of kickboxing, that's because it isn't like the others. In muay thai you have 8 tools or limbs to cause some massive destruction with when trained; hands, elbows, knees and shins/feet. They don't just train to hit, they invest a percentage of there training to being accustomed to getting hit aswell.  You may think its all fine and dandy, but lets really look at each of these things and what getting hit by them would spell out for you. 

Elbows, they suck!
I found other pics but this one was viewer friendly

They suck, getting hit with an elbow really sucks. When comparing a had to an elbow, the hand seems pretty flimsy; so many tiny bones that can break unless the hands are trained for those impact forces. The elbow is the meeting point of the humerus, radius, and ulna bones; three bones, that's it. Elbows are vicious if trained properly; they can cut or put someone out, depending on how you choose to use it. Now don't get me wrong, you can't just start using elbows; improper technique will result in some rather unpleasant results for you. It also hurts like hell if you have never trained your elbows to strike with. So until then, stick with the heavy bag and the thai pads at WNY MMA and Fitness. 

That Knee

I'm really highlighting how much getting hit by these things suck. But come on, they really do suck. Alright, so we have knee strikes. Knee strikes are pretty versatile, that is because they can be used to hit anywhere on the body. Legs, stomach, face; you can get hit pretty much anywhere with a knee. I could type more about knees, but I can also do this

I know it gets pretty boring to just read all of the time.

The Shin and the Leg Kick

 We all know about kicking with the shin right, we are among the converted who used to kick with the instep until we noticed just how much more getting hit with the shin hurts. Getting hit with a shin really hurts; I mean think about it, you are getting hit with something that supports your weight everyday. The way muay thai people kick with their shin, really gets some good power to their kicks. Those things can really put you down. If you don't believe me look for the video of Vince Phillips vs Masato and you will see what I mean. But don't worry about bruised legs at WNY MMA, we make everyone wear shin guards.

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