Monday, September 8, 2014

We Don't Falsify Anything at WNY MMA & Fitness

As I know most of you understand, I really like martial arts. I will practice anything that I deem interesting and useful. This past weekend I wanted to check out a demonstration of some "muay thai"; yup, you can probably tell where this is gonna head. I already have some background in the basics of muay thai, I was really there for a quick refresher so to speak. The guy teaching it seemed a little new to it but I didn't pay it any mind. That is until we started running through the impromptu class, when the guy proceeded to "fix my posture" I knew something was up. It wouldn't have been so bad if it was still in the realm of muay thai, this was something completely different.

Look, it was clearly not muay thai that I was receiving. It was something they were trying to market as muay thai, and what's worse is that he used Stonehorse's name trying to verify is "legitimacy" it was upsetting. Mentioning more of Stonehorse's qualifications than his own. When you are looking for something, its always best to see it first hand and to experience it. That's one of the things that I can say about what is provided at WNY MMA & Fitness, its legit. Where most places need to mention how authentic their program is, action speaks loader than words. The proof is visible everytime you walk through the front door.

I'm telling you of my experience so you know that it could happen to you, unless you come to WNY MMA & Fitness, then you are definitely getting something good. 

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