Wednesday, September 2, 2015

WNY MMA and Fitness: Kick Boxing Etiquette

Hey there, Kickboxers!  I wanted to go over a few quick reminders on mat etiquette while at WNY MMA and Fitness.
  1. No shoes on the mat. Here’s why. First, there are millions and billions of bacteria we carry around on the bottoms of our shoes, and we don’t need to spread it onto our meticulously cleaned mat. Second, at WNY MMA, we do a lot of jogging, jumping, and moving. Wearing no shoes allows us to avoid possible injuries from being stepped on by size 14 shoes or tripping over untied shoelaces.
  1. No clutter. The only personal items allowed on the mat are gloves, a water bottle, and a small towel or rag. Line up your gloves flat against the wall so that no one trips over them. Cell phones, car keys, shoes, purses, etc. should all be kept in the lockers or out of peoples way.
  1. Be on time. If you need to use the restroom, wrap your hands, or put your hair up, then make sure to allot plenty of time to do so before the start of class.
  1. No bash talk. We do not allow any sort of self-defeating talk on the mat. Not only is it contagious to other students, but it’s counter-productive to our environment. We want to uplift, motivate, and inspire one another —especially on the mat!
  1. Introduce yourself to newbies. It can be intimidating coming to a Gym where you don’t know anyone. Go out of your way to introduce yourself to newbies and make them feel comfortable. We’re a family, after all!
Mastering these five mat etiquette guidelines will ensure a fun, safe and awesome workout! See you in class!

written by Edited by Ted Fisher

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