Tuesday, November 10, 2015

How to Improve Your Endurance During Kickboxing Training

Boxing is a sport that requires muscle strength, speed and endurance. It builds confidence and provides many athletes with full-rounded training as well as an outlet for stress relief. The methodology for building endurance at both the professional and amateur levels is widely discussed. Boxing is a segmented sport that consists of intense rounds with short breaks. Focusing on that in training will help build the muscle strength and endurance needed to improve.

Step 1

Set up a running schedule. Running is an excellent way to increase overall stamina. Boxing Training suggests the routine for running you select will depend on the type of boxing you want to do. Professional boxers should include long-range running programs -- run 3 to 5 miles at one time. Amateurs can work on wind sprints to build stamina. Sprint 1 minute, 45 seconds, then walk for 1 minute and repeat. Continue with this pattern 10 to 12 times.

Step 2

Skip rope, varying speeds. Jumping rope is a practical cardiovascular workout for a boxer. Ropes are portable for easy access between boxing sets. Skipping rope will improve footwork and build shoulder strength and enhance stamina. Begin slowly for one minute and then increase the speed. The American Council on Exercise recommends jumping low to lessen the impact to your knees and ankles.

Step 3

Spar with a partner and focus gloves. The partner wears the gloves to provide the boxer with a target to hit. Sparring for several minutes at a time enhances boxing skills, and the focus gloves improve speed and flexibility.

    Step 4

    Hit a heavy bag regularly. Heavy bags are a key component to a boxer's training program. Set up rounds that vary in time lengths and speed. Work out for 10 minutes, than take a 1-minute break before starting again. Incorporate rope jumping into heavy bag training by working the bag for 10 minutes and then jumping rope for three.

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