Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Kids and Kickboxing at WNY MMA & Fitness

Now I am definitely an advocate for kids training in the martial arts as they grow. One of the reasons why is that this is the best time for them to start something, if you don't believe me then look at all the videos of kids on youtube who are practicing the martial arts and look at how crisp their technique looks. Kids are like a sponge and aslong as its engaging, they will stick with it. I wish I could practice at a younger age, I would be a professional fighter by now. But it wasn't in the stars for me, anyway I'll give you a couple of examples of phenomenal child martial artists and you tell me whether you still think little Timmy shouldn't come to the academy. From yours truly at WNY MMA & Fitness.

Boxing and Kickboxing

I'm just giving you video proof that martial arts and kids go together like peanut butter and jelly, or fluff if that's what you grew up with. This kid is amazing on the pads, and just in-case you are thinking that he can be good on the pads and not very good as an athlete; I got something for that as-well. This kids name is Soushi, keep this in mind when you are contemplating between football and boxing/kickboxing

And here is a video of Soushi sparring with Rena. For those of you who don't follow combat sports in japan, Rena was the welter and middle weight champion in Shootboxing which is a stand up fighting promotion based in Tokyo.

If that wasn't proof enough for you, then I have a four year old from Thai land who is adorable. He also have a really good thai kick, just saying. Now lets really pay attention to this kids kick mechanics, it usually takes adults months if not years to learn how to deliver a kick this way. This kid is amazing

Well, this was mostly focusing on kickboxing and boxing. But don't think that it limits you in terms of the arts to place you child in. Make sure the teaching is quality and enjoyable, your child will grow leaps and bounds. So stop by WNY MMA & Fitness for some of that quality.

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