Friday, July 17, 2015

WNY MMA & Fitness: Boxing Heavy Kickboxing?

Its true that kickboxing has so many rule sets, that it's hard to keep track of most of the time. Its fine because most people only know of a handful of them. For the people who know more, well you did the research, kudos to you. I'm here to provide you with a little taste of one of the many rule sets of kickboxing. One of which, I believe you can take into consideration when you need to liven up the ol' muay thai or other "insert here" style kickboxing. For example; with muay thai, some judges score elbows, knees, clinch and kick higher than punching and so it is not as favored but its still used to set up the other skills. For the dutch style; because of the emphasis on aggression, everything is pretty much scored evenly, coupling that with many of the schools that were mostly kyokushin karate dojo before accepting the training rubric of muay thai and boxing, Its a very flavorful style. If you are a member of a gym that has american kickboxing, muay thai and boxing; then you are pretty much developing a similar style, just like at WNY MMA & Fitness.

One of the reasons why you can benefits from training dutch style is the strong emphasis on striking in combinations, these combinations are normally followed up by a low kick. It works wonders, people aren't thinking about their leg when they are trying not to get their head knocked off. You thought tall fighters were hard to deal with before, wait until you fight a dutch kickboxer. They are normally taller than you, and have longer limbs than you; so they can hit you from anywhere. Oh, and they're extremely aggressive.

Its also good for smaller fighters; Ramon Dekkers was a short fighter, but he was incredibly aggressive. He would demolish the poor saps who decided to get into the ring with him, he has a dutch style kickboxing background. In some instances, shorter fighters have to be more aggressive just to stand a chance against their taller opponents. So there is the benefit of this particular kickboxing style.

I'll toss you a bone before I get to the videos that will be included in this article. Last year, I was attending the arnold classic because the kickboxing team at UB was participating in the competition. After a couple of fights, Allistar Overeem walked over to the ring that we were standing at and decided to watch the heavy weights fight. After one of the guys got his thai pads signed, I asked about a good dutch style combo to use; jab, cross, fake the lead hook into a rear leg kick, drop the foot down right where it is to follow up with a rear hook to the head in a switched stance. Depending on where you started, it would be southpaw or orthodox. I've held on to that little gem of information for a while.

Well there is my rant on dutch style. I've adopted the style, mainly because I like boxing. In the meantime stop by WNY MMA & Fitness for some rounds. you may pick something up.

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