Tuesday, October 14, 2014

WNY MMA: Fit Tip of the Day

Are your hip flexors and glutes not feeling up to the challenge of kickboxing. Maybe you want to throw that thai style roundhouse with more hip engagement, or you just want to build a good looking pair of legs; I have a Wny mma fit tip for you. It's a fun little circuit that you can do, there is no equipment really needed except for space.

This circuit doesn't have a name, but it is definitely something that you should give a try. As a reminder, please warm up and stretch properly!

  1. Burp and Sits: For this, we will be doing burpees and wall sits. I know, they suck but just get through the sets before you complain too much. The goal is 100 burpees, for our purpose we will do 5 sets of 20 with a 2 minute break between each set. Oh but its not that easy, the two minute break will be wall sits. So we are allowing our heart rate to fall to a relatively normal range, but our legs will still be working during the entire circuit. Give it a try
  2. Splitting Ducks: Now I personally hate these, and you will feel them for days after. With this, you can do however many sets you can get through. I would recommend doing this to failure; Start off with split lunges, up to either 20 or 30 on both legs. After the split lunges, go directly into long-stride duck walks. For the duck walks, it would be good to set markers around a room so there is a path marked out. After you return to the starting point, take a rest and go right back at it again. 
This is only a small sample of things to do to strengthen those muscles in the legs. Its beneficial for boxing and kickboxing, and wrestling. For more strengthening tips, stop by WNY MMA & Fitness!

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